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Napping Like Jesus (originally written 4.28.2020)

I once heard somewhere,

"sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is take a nap."

I wish I knew who originally said this because yall, lately this has been God's instruction to me.

There was a time when spiritual discipline looked like getting up at 5am, getting in my prayer closet and interceding/praying for my unborn child. Prior to that, I'd been instructed or rather led to fast [something I KNOW was from God, cuz ya girl LOVES to eat lol] and pray, and following that, I received a word from God, "I am healing". God told me, I'd never have to struggle with [bulimia] again. Supernatural healing, wordy early morning warfare prayers...pretty intense stuff and definitely worthwhile spiritual disciplines.

However, lately the path God has been taking me on has seemed....too passive to even be considered "warfare". First, around last year, I got a word from God to be "still and silent" before Him. Yall.......that... is... difficult. I never realized how programmed I am to "do, do, do" for God. So to just sit? To just be still? What?

Like God....what exactly am I waiting for??

Also that year I got the phrase "greater degree of stretch" from God. Which honestly, I thought only applied to my hair. As it turns out, I had totally been compartmentalizing my time with God. I'd get up, spend time with Him in the morning, then once that was done I'd get up and leave God in the prayer closet. I wouldn't so much as think about praying or reading my bible once the "morning" God-time was complete. However, God made me need me throughout the day too. So that looked like being mindful and talking to God through the day moment by moment. Carving out time in the afternoon and evening to be with God intentionally. Admittedly. I'm still nowhere near perfect at this...but I can say it feels so much better.

So now, amidst the pandemic, I thought SURELY I NEED TO BE DOING MORE!!

But you know what God told me? Resting is an act of warfare. Being peaceful in the midst of calamity takes intentionality and discipline. By being still and resting in God I am proclaiming that God is in control. This season for me God is showing me a more passive form of warfare. Praying in the Spirit, literally taking deep breaths and being still and silent before Him. You know what my God time looks like nowadays? I wake up and stay and bed and talk to God...I journal, I read my word. Then, I get up and take a walk with God. In the middle of the day? I take a nap. I'm learning to enjoy just being with God.

No matter the season of warfare however, one thing has remained constant. And that is getting into God's Word. I will be the first to admit that for the past couple months, it's been HARD to get in the Word. Getting up and getting in the prayer closet was arduous to say the least. I'd constantly fall asleep...not gonna lie. So when one of my friends told me she had her God-time in the bed I was like....whet?????? PREPOSTEROUS! It can't be official unless you get up and get uncomfortable. But you know what? The fact of the matter is...not everyone has a walk in closet or space to physically go to. Further, I am ONE SPIRIT with God...we are joined...He is always with me. So, if my bed is my sacred place where I meet with God..then that works too. Surprisingly, I'm actually excited to get up and spend time with God now.

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