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I finally have CLEAR SKIN!!

Updated: Feb 20, 2019

YO! If you can't tell, ya girl is EXCITED! You can probably infer why by the title. ;D Let me tell you it's been a looong time coming. *enter exasperated face*


When I emerged into the hormonal whirl pool of middle school, my skin started to go through a weird pubescent crisis. I didn't struggle too much with acne (save the occasional pimple), but I started to get these super itchy ringworm-esque patches in the corners of my nose. I had no clue what it was, but I'd try to vigorously scrub it away only to leave my skin raw and irritated. So I presumed that maybe I needed to disinfect it. [HUGE MISTAKE] I dabbed a bit of alcohol on the patches and it not only burned; it made them worse!

Somewhere in the extensive research preceding my transition to natural hair, I eventually found out about African Black soap. To be honest, my face didn't like it at first! It was a bit harsh and drying. However, after switching to a gentler brand and adding a teensy bit of Shea Butter as a moisturizer my face now thrives with Black Soap. Seriously. It's the only thing I use on my face and body.


Current Skin

Everything was fine until few months ago. I noticed that the skin on my cheeks was splotchy. It wasn't terrible, but it was uneven to the point that I contemplated wearing foundation. SO, my next quest was to find a natural way to even out my skin tone.

I'd made a mix of Rosewater + pure Aloe Vera Juice in a spray bottle to spray on my hair from that failed loc journey 🤣. I have no clue what prompted me to spray it on my face. (Probably b/c it smelled so good and made me feel boujie 😜) Anywho, I'm glad I did; I noticed my cheeks slowly starting to even out.

After about a month's use, the skin on my cheeks is now the same even-toned complexion !

The secret? Pure Aloe Vera Juice.

Current Skin Regimen


  • Wash face and neck with African Black Soap

  • Spritz face with Pure Aloe Vera Juice*

  • Add a dab of Witch Hazel to cotton and apply to neck**

  • Moisturize face with a teensy amount of Shea Butter (thinned with an oil)

*The aloe doesn't have preservatives so remember to keep it in the fridge!

**(does anyone else have the dark neck struggle?? 😂)

Weekly or Every other Week

Bentonite Clay Mask

This mask works to detox your face by drawing toxins out (the particles are attracted to the negative charge of the clay). Due to the charge of the clay, it's important not to use metal utensils when making this mask!

DIY Bentonite Clay Mask Recipe

  • Equal parts Clay and Aloe Vera Juice (I start out with 3 TBs)

  • 1-2 TB Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • 1TBs Honey (optional)

Start off by adding the clay to a NONMETAL bowl and slowly add in the Aloe Juice. Be sure to mix (also with NONmetal utensil) as you pour to ensure the mix stays smooth. Add your oil and mix it until incorporated. You want it to be about the consistency of greek yogurt. If using, add the honey last, otherwise your mixture may turn out lumpy.

How to Use:

Wet face lightly then apply the mask evenly (avoiding sensitive areas). Let the mask sit for 10 - 15 minutes. (Because of the oil it won't get as dry and crusty as a regular clay mask but you will feel it tightening as it dries). Rinse with warm water and pat face dry. To be honest, I don't usually have to apply moisturizer after this because of the oil but that's up to you. After this mask, I find that my pores are tighter and it helps to offset the harsh effects hard water can have on your face and hair.

FYI: This recipe is actually what I use as my weekly deep treatment for my hair. Whatever is leftover from my hair is what I put on my face. Feel free to decrease the recipe to 1TB if you're only using it for your face!


African Black Soap $10-$12

Ingredients: shea butter, osun (carmwood), cocoa pod powder, plantain peel powder, palm kernel oil, coconut oil, water, aloe vera, honey

Organic Unrefined Shea butter 1lb - $10

Thayers Alcohol-free Witch Hazel 12 oz $7-$10

Target sells this but I generally get everything all at once via Vitacost.

Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay 1 lb [Bentonite Clay] $5

Vitacost Organic Aloe Vera Juice 32 oz $5

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